Documenting The Superiority of Multi Radiance Laser Technology
Multi Radiance Medical has developed patented, unique devices that maximize the advantages of multiple wavelengths, light sources and electromagnetic energy. All MRM devices share a common core comprised of 905 nm Super Pulsed Lasers, 875 nm Infrared Emitting Diodes, 640 nm Red Light Emitting Diodes and a static magnetic field of 35 mT. This unique “mix” or synergy of the device’s parameters are validated by the Pillars “Proof of Concept” studies completed from 2012-2014.
Extensively tried and tested over 20 years in both lab (in vitro) and in the clinic (in vivo), and on both humans and animals, the Multi Radiance product lines continue to consistently deliver the most reliable and significant results available.
These FDA-cleared devices have more power than most class IV lasers with the safety of class I.
Multi Radiance Technology™ is exclusive to Multi Radiance Medical and cannot be found in other laser therapy devices or other competing modalities.The Multi Radiance Medical Solution: Super Pulsed Technology.
The Pillars Paper cover:
Validating the Photobiological response,
Thermal effects
Depth of Penetration through the skin
Optimal Parameters
Stimulation and Inhibition
Powering Athletic Performance and Optimizing Recovery