Passive Income? YES- you can do it!
There is a new Modality of Medicine in Town, and at its very basic level, it can easily earn veterinarians a passive income of a couple thousand dollars a month.
Photobiomodulation in NOT your predecessors Class IV Low Level Light Therapy, the buyer’s remorse that occurred when that was bought, is a thing of the past.
So, What is Photobiomodulation?
Since its beginnings in the early 1960’s, Low Level Light Therapy has made great strides in technology, delivery, safety and effectiveness.
LLLT has been called many names over the years including cold laser therapy,
- photobiostimulation
- biomodulation,
- biostimulation,
- low-level laser (or light) therapy,
- low-intensity laser therapy,
- low-power laser therapy,
- cold laser,
- soft laser, and most recently
- photobiomodulation.
The lack of a consistent name has kept practitioners confused and inconsistent…
In 2014, in a joint conference of the North American Association for Light Therapy and the World Association for Laser Therapy, the term Photobiomodulation (PBM) was adopted as a more comprehensive term and added to the National Library of Medicine’s controlled vocabulary thesaurus.
The use of this new name, also brings us a new definition:
Photobiomodulation is “A form of light therapy that utilizes non-ionizing forms of light sources, including lasers, LEDs, and broadband light, in the visible and infrared spectrum. It is a non-thermal process involving endogenous chromophores eliciting photophysical (i.e., linear and nonlinear) and photochemical events at various biological scales. This process results in beneficial therapeutic outcomes including but not limited to the alleviation of pain or inflammation, immunomodulation, and promotion of wound healing and tissue regeneration.”
The Three Myths that are Killing Your profits
Myth #1) Light Therapy is Dangerous.
On the contrary. New Photobiomodulation Devices are now one of the safest modalities of medicine available. Super pulsed, PBM Devices do not produce thermal build up like LLLT Class IV laser do.
According to the Food and Drug Administration or the FDA, Laser products are classified on the basis of the highest level of laser radiation to which human access is possible during operation only. Lasers are also classified using physical parameters of the laser, power, wavelength and exposure duration, and is based on the laser’s potential for causing immediate injury to the eye or skin and/or potential for causing fires and/or burns from direct exposure to the beam or from reflections from diffuse reflective surfaces. The higher the class, the more dangerous the Laser. The FDA recognizes four major classes ( I to IV) of Lasers including three sub-classes. You can see the FDA ‘s laser chart here.
You can also see in the above definition of Photobiomodulation, new PBM therapeutic devices are Non-thermal, meaning the Class IV lasers are not
considered PBM devices.
Myth #2) I can only get power with a Class IV.
With Photobiomodulation, it is still about power. Improvements in technology have allowed for devices to have more power then Class IV lasers, and the ability to deliver the needed photons even deeper due to super pulsed technology, while maintaining a Class I safety status with the FDA.
The key to a successful therapeutic dose of laser energy is achieving the right combination of power, wavelength and time, allowing proper penetration, without causing harmful effects to the cells or creating thermal effects that do more harm then good.
Multiradiance Medical’s Super Pulsed Lasers are powerful, safe, convenient and user friendly. MRM has even partnered with VET Folio and offer laser therapy CE courses.
Myth #3) I don’t have time, or the space!
You know how hard it is for some of your older patients to return daily for treatments. I am sure you have heard this: ” Fluffy has a hard time getting about and stresses so much going to the vet” .
You have done all you could. You’ve set up that designated room for your class IV and you have the goggles and the staff ready to administer the laser therapy, and no one shows up. Its no wonder you have buyer’s remorse. Sadly, Fluffy is the one who is suffering the most.
PBM devices have been cleared for marketing by FDA through the Premarket Notification/510(k) process as adjunctive devices for the temporary relief of pain. These clearances were based on the presentation of clinical data to support such claims. – See more here
Having achieved this FDA status means that some of these devices are not only approved for at home use, but are available for purchase to anyone.
You are a Veterinarian because you are compassionate, and care about Fluffy.
You need your clients to be compliant.
Multi Radiance Medical Photobiomodulation devices and their rent My-Pet Laser (MPL) program, are designed to give you control of treatment, while allowing your clients to participate in their pets recovery. Renting a Rent My Pet Laser to your clients allows you to prescribe and control the number and location of treatments, and allows your client to be compliant, in the comfort of their own home. If your client decides they want to purchase the Rent-my-pet laser, you make a profit and replace with a new laser to rent.
Still feel bad about that Class IV laser sitting in the closet?
Better Marketing..
The phrase most often heard from the Class IV manufactures :” We are trying to market our lasers better”. Compliance is often lost when clients are expected to bring their pet into the clinic daily (or twice a day) for their laser treatments.
Renting the My Pet Laser to your clients allows them to participate and become compliant with the use of a safe and effective modality of medicine that you prescribe, strengthening and deepening bonds with your client and ultimately achieving a happier healthier patient.
There are practices like yours, that keep growing their rental program and have seen a return on their investment in 10 weeks or less. As the waiting list develops, and/or as lasers are purchased by clients, from you, additional lasers are purchased by the clinic to accommodate the growing need.
How cool is that! Practicing the best medicine for your patients, and making passive income at the same time!
What do you do with your Class IV?

Some practices have begun to utilize their underused class 3 and class 4 lasers to administer the first dose and then send a rental laser home to continue treatments. The analogy of administrating an injection of Baytril and sending home tablets.
Or you can Trade it in!
Your exam rooms are quite possibly the most valuable real estate in your practice. With Multiradiance Medical Super Pulsed Lasers, you no longer are required to choreography and schedule laser treatments. Treatments can be done in any room at any time, with no danger to client, patient, or staff, The benefits reverberate throughout the practice.
Ask your representative about Multi Radiance Medical’s trade in offer..
Trade in your class 3 and 4 lasers and create the new marketing that has proven to be successful in the kinder, compassionate and compliant approach that sets your practice apart.
With the marketing dilemma facing the class 3 and 4 technology, isn’t it time you created a new business model that can represent a passive income of over 10k a month? Isn’t an extra 120k + a year in passive income worth exploring?
Need More information? check out the links below
Click here to learn how your clinic can be earning passive income!